Friday, March 6, 2015

The Motivation of Loss - SOL#6

The girl strides to the center of the room. She calls up her first witness. After she is done with the witness it is the defenses turn to cross examine. After all the witnesses are examined the girl takes the podium. She begins her stellar closing arguments. The defense speaks next. After their arguments the jury strides out of the room. The girl waits hoping for the best. Minutes pass. The wait seems endless. Just when the girl can not bear to wait any longer the jury strides into the room. The verdict is announced. The defendants are acquitted of their charges. The girl stares in shock. She lost. After all of her hard work and preparation she lost. The girl takes a few shaky steps and hangs her head as the two defense “lawyers” flash her smirks. From that day on the girl works harder to achieve hear newfound dream of being a lawyer, the motivation of loss serving as her strongest motivation.

I got this photo from:
photo credit: <a href="">Gavel</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. Whew, can't always win, but when it's an important case, what can be done?

  2. I like how you talked about the motivation of loss. I am sorry that you lost!


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