Thursday, March 31, 2016

SOL#31- Sunrise

The sky is black. The only light is the stars in the sky. Soon the blackness begins to disappear. Orange pinks and purples color the sky. Soon the black in the sky has become purple. The sun appears over the horizon. Its bright glow outshining even the brightest of stars. The purple has begun to fade into lighter colors. The roads that were once empty now are full of cars. Some cars are yellow, some orange, some red. They come in all different sizes. The world has begun to come to life, after its slumber. The sky now has faded into its natural blue. There are no clouds in the sky. Just bright blue and an even brighter sun. The sunrise has come to an end.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

SOL#30- The World Outside

In the office the light illuminates the world outside the window. It has begun to grow dark outside, the snow whirling around, the gray sky blocking out the sun. The skyline is not covered in buildings, it is covered in trees. Some are barren of all leaves, others containing long green needles. Roofs of houses come into view when one sits up. One house has a red roof, another a green roof. The trees and the sky look smaller when the houses come into view. The snow is falling so fast and is so small that it can sometimes barely bee seen. The closer you look at the trees the more you see how they sway in the wind. Some moving left, some moving right. The wind picks up and the branches swing faster. My attention is drawn to the red roofed house again. The vibrant color stands out against the gray sky. The snow continues to fall, the trees swinging in the wind all the while in the world outside.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

SOL#29- The Endless Lake

The water is as cold as ice. It is so clear that you can see every single stone that lies underneath the water. Some stones are round, others more rectangular. Soon the small pebbles turn into sand. The sand grows thicker until it becomes mud. The depth of the water has grown so that my feet can not touch the ground. The water has grown darker, probably because of the sheer depth of it.  In order to touch the bottom you have to dive into the depths. The bottom of the lake is barren. There is only miles of mud and water. When you put your head above the waves, the lake seems to stretch on forever, no other shore in sight.

Monday, March 28, 2016

SOL#28- The View From The Car Window

The world outside the window flashes by. One second you see a tree, next a tiny house. The constant movement is almost soothing. Soon the car screeches to a stop. The world is not moving anymore. There are only houses and trees. When the car starts again I look through the sunroof. The canopy of trees is clearly visible through the glass. All the leaves are a vibrant green. Some even appear to be glowing because of the sunlight. The sun finds its way through every crack in the canopy, sending rays of light down to the ground. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the blue sky before the car rushes past. Soon the tree canopy starts to disappear and I look away from the sunroof. Everything looks different from a car window.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

SOL#27- The Yard

The snow is piled up around the tree. The tree is barren of all leaves. Every year it keeps on growing, taller and taller. So tall that it almost reaches the highest peak of the roof. Behind the tree is a garage. The garage almost looks like a house of its own. It is made out of red brick with a green tiled roof. Many of the vivid colors of landscape are obscured by the thick layers of snow. The only color in sight are the rose bushes that are weaved within the lattice of the gate. The snow is piled up in random places around the yard. In the far corner is an evergreen tree. The tree is an emerald green, the branches a light brown. The tree is slightly taller than the house. Someday the barren tree will be just as tall as the evergreen.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

SOL#26- Among The Trees Of The Past

Among the gloomy oak trees,
among a space brimming,
to the top with no creatures,
except me
there with my hair down to my ears,
that listened keenly
to the sounds around
in the forest I had so often frolicked in,
as a child
though I am not one now.
There it that very oak tree,
of which I know is truly
with the spirits of long gone soldiers
who lure you to what seems to be the perfect tree,
I climbed to the top in order to see,
the sky above,
fell, and broke my arm
on the way down.
I used to live among those spiritual trees,
so gray and mysterious 
to a child
with hair down to her ears,
among a space brimming,
to the top with no creatures,
except her
among the gloomy oak trees.

Friday, March 25, 2016

SOL#25- The Little Purple Chair

The sun shines through the cracks in the blinds. It is like water in the way it pushes past every obstacle. No matter how small the crack in the blinds is, it always pushes through. The sun shines brightly on the little purple chair in the corner. Parts of the cushions on the chair are frayed, their insides revealed. It still remains the perfect place to curl up with a good book. I can almost see the ghost of my past. Sitting there in that very chair, drinking Sleepytime Vanilla Celestial Seasonings tea.  Reading story after story. From living in far off lands to climbing the highest peaks, books have the magic to take you anywhere you want to be. With the swish of a pen, or the clack of a keyboard key, authors have the power to create a world. Sometimes I wonder if the magic of storytelling could be created by you or me. That wonder is quenched like the flame of a candle being extinguished. The sun grows brighter as the blinds are opened and the little chair remains a guardian for the worlds beyond the cover of the book.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

SOL#24- The Tearoom

The tearoom feels welcoming. Teapots and types of tea line the walls. The woman behind the counter smiles and leads us to our table. The table is made out of a reddish brown wood. The white teacups stand out against its dark surface. An old milk bottle has been turned into a vase. Yellow and white flowers lie in the vase. Next to the vase lies a white china  bowl with perfect white sugar cubes. A tiny silver pair of tongs lies in the bowl with the sugar. A picture of a bridge in London is on the wall next to our table. Soon the tea arrives. When you look inside the tiny white teapot you can see the fragrant leaves floating around in the water. The tea has a faint aroma of exotic spices. The tearoom shows none of the cold weather that lies outside. It truly is a welcoming place.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

SOL#23- The View Through The Window

The window is made of solid clear glass. It is surrounded by soft green trim. The world beyond the window is covered in white. All the trees are covered in soft white powder. Few colors can be seen. It doesn't look real from inside the room. It is too perfect, too still to be real. That picturesque feeling is shattered when a clump of snow falls from the air. Suddenly all the movement becomes apparent. Branches swaying in the wind, snow falling. The wind speeds up and the branches are pushed along against their will. Suddenly a red brick chimney can be seen through the branches. It is bright compared to the white world. Hints of trees natural colors peak through in spaces where there is no white. One tree is a light gray, another a brown. These trees have no leaves on them. They are just branches. It is like looking at the skeleton of the tree. Parts of the trees blend in with the white sky. From the view through the window the white world looks like nothing more than a dream.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

SOL#22- The Light Pink Rose

The rose is a light pink color. It is not like the normal rose you would find at the grocery store. It grows on a plant and is much smaller that the normal rose. The plant is wrapped around a wooden fence, its base sticking into the small space of the ground not covered with gray cement. The plant has many twists and turns, branches ending with tiny pink roses. The plant itself is a light green and is peppered with tiny thorns. The thorns are white and are almost like tiny triangles. If you touch them the thin top layer of your skin is pierced by their sharp points. It is difficult to pick one of the roses without stabbing yourself on the thorns. Sometimes the tip of the thorns break off, leaving the thorns powerless to harm you. A single petal of one of the roses falls. It retains its vibrant pink color, but looks less lively. Even if you walk away, the light pink roses are still visible against the other objects in the area.

Monday, March 21, 2016

SOL#21- The Journey Throughout The Sea

The sand is a soft brownish color. If you step in it in the right place an imprint of your foot is left. However when the waves reach high tide the imprint is washed away. I imagine what it must be like to be a piece of kelp, subject to the whims of the sea. With a crash of the waves the piece of kelp is washed away from the sandy beach, the only place it has ever known. Grains of sand are washed away with the piece of kelp. The kelp is pushed deep under the water by the weight of the waves. Soon it grows darker, the world around the kelp has a slight bluish tinge. Coral grows from the rocky formations. The kelp gets stuck on an overhang made out of rock. Colorful fish swim by. One has a slight orange tinge the other a slight yellow tinge. An eel can be seen underneath the overhang. The kelp is soon freed by the force of the waves. It continues on its journey going deeper into the sea. Soon the landscape changes. It grows darker and rockier. The fish are less colorful and the coral is less vibrant and more sparsely placed. The kelp looks around in awe as it continues to journey throughout the sea.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

SOL#20-The Kite

The kite soars high into air. Multicolored strings hang down from the body of the kite. They fly out in different directions creating the illusion that the kite is much bigger than it actually is. The wind comes and goes, making it difficult to launch the kite. In fact the only way to get it to stay in the air is to run, creating your own wind. The kite never gets very high, a product of the small amount of wind. People still look at its brilliant colors, despite its lack of height. The kite is shaped like a butterfly. In a weird way the kite seems in place high in the air. It almost looks like a bird soaring high into the air. The strings continue to twist and turn in the air. The kite begins to loose altitude. Soon it touches the ground. It no longer looks as vibrant.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

SOL#19-The Painting In The Brown Frame

The painting is small compared to it's frame. The outside of the frame is s dark brown wood. This wood soon transitions to white paper and then the painting. When you look closely at the wood you can see that it has a tinge of red coloring. The wood is an unnatural color. So unnatural that one would observe that it is dyed. The grains of the wood are only visible from a close distance. They go throughout the wood in unpredictable patterns branching off from each other in the weirdest ways. The cream of the paper provides a sharp contrast to the brownish red of the wood. The paper is anything but smooth, with bumps and grooves appearing in random places. The father away you go from the painting the less you see about the painting with the brown frame.

Friday, March 18, 2016

SOL#18-The Flowers

The flowers are yellow. Yellow with a bright green stem. The outside petals of the flowers are triangle shaped, with the inside petals forming a bowl that sticks out from the rest of the flowers. The two flowers lie in a triangle shaped vase made out of clear glass. The vase is halfway filled with water. One flower barely peeks over the rim of the vase while the other one rests far above it. The yellow color stands out next to the gray and blue hues of the kitchen. The vase rests on a rectangular table made out of light wood. The flowers still remain noticeable after walking away from the kitchen because they are a bright yellow color

Thursday, March 17, 2016

SOL#17- The Tree

The needles of the evergreen brush against my face. They contain a flicker of green but are mostly brown. The tree is old, and should be much larger than it is. This age is reflected by the creak of the branches under my feet. The bark is a light brown color on the outside. It has many peaks and valleys and is anything but smooth. You can peel away the bark. Inside the tree is a redish brown color. This section of the tree is smooth. Sap squeezes through the holes of the tree. When you touch the sap it sticks to your hands, often parts of the bark stick to your hand as well. I stare up at the rest of the tree. It contains an intecrate pattern of branches, they spiral around the tree, creating a sort of staircase effect. A small branch snaps next to me as I continue to climb the tree.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

SOL#16- The Whale

The salty ocean breeze lifts my hair from my back. I hear the waves crash against the side of the boat.  The sun can be seen just peeking behind the horizon. Suddenly cries erupt from the other passengers in the boat. They are pointing to a dark blue form in the water. I soon realize the form is a whale. It splashes back and forth, creating even more waves in the water. The whale raises its tail and splashes it down again. The spectators cry out in awe. I stare at the horizon. The hills are a brilliant green, the sky a bright blue. There is not a single cloud. The whale comes next to the boat. I can now see just how big it is. The whale is mostly blue but has spots that are slightly discolored. The whale swims away and I turn my attention back to the horizon.

photo credit: <a href="">Raising her fluke</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

SOL#15- The Little Mermaid

Tonight was the second night of tech week. Preparations are fully underway for The Little Mermaid. I am excited for the show, and I also just want to get it over with. I have heard the play so many times, and run through it so many times that it is really stuck in my head. It is really exciting to see everything come together. The scenery, the costumes, the lights. Now it is just about having fun with the show and the finishing touches. One of my favorite parts of the show is Under the Sea. It is just a number all about having fun. It is a song about celebrating life under the sea. It is just a fun song. Overall, I am excited for the play and seeing everything coming together.

Monday, March 14, 2016

SOL#14- The Rock and The Stars

The cold rock presses into my back. It is an extension of the Earth. I feel as though I am above the world, even though I am only a few feet above the ground.  I listen to the sounds of other people getting in place. I feel someone's foot press against my thigh. A slight breeze comes and goes, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. As I stare into the sky I realize how far from civilization I am. There are no blinding street lights obscuring the stars. No cars loudly honking. And no airplanes flying overhead. The sky is ablaze with stars of all shapes and sizes. It is amazing how we can see something so far away. Some stars are only a small dot in the sky, others are big enough to be seen by the naked eye. If you pay close enough attention you can see the constellations in the stars. I stay there for a while, just looking at the stars. After a while, I and the others around me head down from the rock. As my feet touch the ground I think of the stars.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

SOL#13- The Courtroom Bar

The clock strikes twelve, dong
On the dot, it’s time to begin in front of the bar.

The gavel bangs,
By order of the judge, it’s time to begin in front of the bar.

The jurors purposefully stride in
Freshly prepared, it’s time to continue in front of the bar.

The Prosecution speaks while I
Wait in vain, it’s time too watch in front of the bar.

I walk up to the podium,
My opening speech ready, it’s time to stand in front of the bar.

The witnesses are called, for the Prosecution
One, by, one, it’s time to observe in front of the bar.

Tick tock, tick tock, witness after witness
I object, irrelevant I say, it’s time to object in front of the bar.

It’s cross examination time, down to the wire
I ask question after question, it’s time to cross examine in front of the bar.

I call my witnesses, for the Defense
One, by, one, it’s time to question in front of the bar.

Then comes the closing argument, the Prosecution is up to bat
It’s time to listen in front of the bar.

My closing argument next
It’s time to speak in front of the bar.

The jurors vote
It’s time to wonder in front of the bar.

We won the case
It’s time to celebrate in front of the bar.

The audience cheers

It’s time to begin behind the bar.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

SOL#12-The Trees By The Road

The sun burns the back of my neck. I hear other footsteps pounding behind me. I move to the side of the road, hoping to find shelter from the sun among the trees. The trees that line the road are all brilliant green. Not all the trees are the same. Some have large leaves, some have small. Some trunks are a dusty gray color while others are a dark brown. A single leaf is a world of it’s own. Veins line the bottom of the leaf, remaining  perfect unlike the jagged edges of the leaf. Suddenly the source of the footsteps appears. A person is behind me. They soon pass me, my slow pace no match for their long gait. I stay behind and look at the trees. Reveling in their beauty. Soon I continue on, thinking of the trees by the road all the while

Friday, March 11, 2016

SOL#11- Snow Falls

Snow falls,
Covering the world in white.

The green of the grass,
The emerald of the trees,
The black of the asphalt,
Can not be seen under the white.

Each flake is different,
One in shape of a star,
The other like a flower.

The snow seems heavy at first,
It's true qualities are revealed with the slightest pressure.

The shape of a footprint is pressed into the snow,
Each curve and imprint drawn deep into the snow.

These footprints will not last forever,
But they seem final.

Soon it all stops.
The white still lays on the ground,
Still covering the world.

If you follow the footprints,
In the snow,
Where will you go?

Will they lead you around the world,
Through the mountains,
Or just where there is no snow.

Snow has fallen,
Covering the world in white.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

SOL#10- The Life of a Flower

The soil is damp with rain. The sun falls, creating small patches of light. The seed has everything it needs to grow. Soon the sun goes down and the seed has still not sprouted. Many days and nights pass until a glimmer of green is visible.  The next day rain pours down on the plant. The plant seems to shrink away, at first, but soon realizes how the rain will help it grow. Suddenly the rain stops. The plant reaches one leaf into the sunlight that has arrived in the rains absence. The moon soon fills the sky. It alternates back and forth. Moon, Sun, Moon, Sun. The plant continues to grow taller, but still not as tall as the other plants in the garden. Soon a green bud appears. Wisps of color can be seen within the green skin. When the rain has stopped for the year, the bud begins to peel back. Inside is a small flower. The petals of the flower are a vibrant white. The center is a bright yellow. After many days, the plant has finally grown up.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

SOL#9-Dusk Into Night

The sun begins to set over the lake. The oranges and the pinks meld together to create a beautiful picture. The clear water reflects the glorious colors, amplifying the effect. The only noise is the waves crashing against the sandy shore. The colors begin to grow darker. Soon the area around the lake is barely visible. The light pinks and oranges have faded into purples and blacks. Soon the sky will be dark. The brightest stars are beginning to be visible as dusk transitions into night. Soon all the light colors are absent from the sky. The sky becomes entirely black. The moon becomes visible. It lets off a soft glow, bright, but not nearly as bright as the sun. Dusk has finally faded into night.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

SOL#8- The Journey of The Dandelion

With a breath of air I am free. No longer bound by the long green chain that even reaches deep underground. I float and I fly, at last free to see the whole world. Wherever the wind goes I go. The wind pushes me up high into the air. I see small streams flowing into rivers. Lush leaves falling down from trees. Soft grass swaying in the wind. Birds fighting over sunflower seeds. I am pushed even higher. So high that I can touch the clouds. The clouds fall beneath me as I go so high that I can see the whole world. The greens and the blues and the whites that all blend together to make our home. I can see the oceans moving in ever-changing patterns. I see the blackness of space reaching over me. Like a blanket that never ends. My journey continues, never stopping. I am a dandelion, and this is my journey.

Monday, March 7, 2016

SOL#7- A Symphony of Words

With a flick of a hand,
The parting of a mouth,
A word is born.

Some stay round for years,
Others vanish in a blink of an eye.

They all lie in a void,
Waiting to be born.

Some have a sense of importance,
The because's and the and's,
They cast away the small words,
Pushing them deeper into the void,
Vanishing them from the world.

These words live alone,
Waiting for someone to notice them,
They beg and they plead,
For someone far above,
To call them away from the void.

One special word has been waiting for years,
She hopes and she prays,
But still no salvation comes.

Until one day,
When one college proffesor ushers her name.

Ameliorate, he calls,
Loud and clear.

The word is brought forth,
Into the light of the world,
Excited for the next flick of a hand,
Parting of a mouth,
In which she will be born

Sunday, March 6, 2016

SOL#6- The Single Blade of Grass

Thr river rushes by. I hear it lapping against the bank. The air has a slight chill to it, driving home the fact that winter is near. The grass feels soft against my feet. The clearing is serene, empty of all sound except the river. The wind rushes by, making the tall grass sway. I hear the birds chirp as the river speeds up, pushing all sorts of debris downstream. It is so peaceful. The problems in our society do not reach this sacred space. When you look closely at the grass you can see that it is a world of its own. Different creatures crawl under their protective blades. To them, the grass must seem like the tallest trees in the world. To me, it is just a single blade of grass. But to the river and the clearing that surrounds it, that single blade of grass is the most important thing: life.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

SOL#5- The Shell Cottage

Up the apple tree, over the fence, through the trees they went. The picket fence comes into view, the cottage resting behind it. The cottage and its garden are run down. The paint is peeling, the hedges need trimming, and the weeds need pulling. Despite its rusty exterior, those who come near see its inner spirit. The walls of the cottage are covered in weeds.  Portions of the roof appear as though they are about to cave in. Layers of dust cover the floor. The beauty of the shells that decorate the main room is obscured by the cobwebs. When rain falls, small drops land in the hallway. The cottage is empty of all furniture adding to its feeling of abandonment. People do not dare to come near to the cottage. Except for one. Once who went up the apple tree, over the fence, and through the trees, until they saw the picket fence and the Shell Cottage beyond.

Friday, March 4, 2016

SOL#4- The Water Lily Pond

I stare at the painting in its frame. Inside lies a world that exists only on paper. A wooden bridge lies over the picturesque pond. The water is crystal clear and reflects the scenery above. While the grass lies still in the picture I can picture it swaying in the wind in tune with the lily pads. The soft pink of the flowers contrasts with the bright green of the lily pads and the blue hues of the water. The artist creates a world that contains so much clarity yet is blurred. The bridge is empty of any life and the shadows seem to haunt the painting. The water is obscured by various flora except for one spot where the true serenity of the water is revealed. I glance at the Water Lily Pond one last time, then turn my attention back to the real world.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

SOL#3- The House and the Water

The waves are gentle, pushing the canoe forward. From the canoe, you can see a small island. The island is largely populated by tall astute evergreens. There is a small section that is bare of trees. A house stands in that bare section. By looking at the house you can see that it is an old house. It is a house that has undergone many trials and tests. Old fishing boats and sailboats line the shore, adding to the house's unusual image. The house appears to be separate from the tiny island. A separate part of a very small part of the world. The waves speed up, drawing attention away from the house. Suddenly the water is the main focus. One can watch as it makes swirling patterns around the obstacles it faces. Water is not phased by anything. It overcomes every obstacle it faces. It can overcome the unusualness of the house and the land mass it rests on. Soon the house passes out of view, but the water remains as unphased as ever.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

SOL#2-Unseen Figures

The sun shines down on the barren wasteland. Figures dressed in different colors dance around, providing the only color to the landscape. There is no grass or anything besides dirt. The dirt is a tan brownish color. If flies into the air in random shapes, subtly changing the color of the air. The figures begin to slow down and suddenly disappear altogether. The landscape suddenly goes bleak. The colors are gone, dust continues to swirl into the air. You can see patterns in the dirt where the figures had once been. The sun continues to shine as the minutes tick bye. Shadows dance underneath the building while the wind hollows high in the sky, each force forming figures of its own.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SOL#1-The Unyielding Showers

The light is absent from the sky. The clouds have begun their everlasting tirade against the sun. The waves splash harder and harder, seemingly powered by the sudden lack of warmth. Then the raindrops come. Attacking those below with no mercy. They start out slow then increase pace with sudden ferocity. Water hits water until all is one. The water from the sky melds with the water of the earth. The trees stand astute as ever, looking on as the water comes down relentlessly. They wait for the end to come, praying the clouds will soon pass. Their wish is heard as it ends as suddenly as it started. The raindrops seem to fall upwards into the sky. Suddenly the sun peaks through. The trees sigh in relief. The rain has come and gone and all is as it once was before the storm.