Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Win For The Ivy - SOL # 7

The ivy climbs up the rough brick. It attaches itself to the white mortar. From afar it appears as though the building is covered in leafy green vines. The ivy covers the ground until the gray stone pathway. Someone stands on the pathway. The creature steps into the green mess and begins to pull down strand after strand of ivy. The person continues to vanquish the ivy. Despite her frantic efforts the person barely makes a dent in the ivy. She lets out a sigh of frustration and backs away towards the wooden fence. She stands there, staring at the ivy, her mind whirling. She sighs again and realizes that she can not win this battle. The girl skips away. Following the stone path wherever it leads.

photo credit: <a href="">Water drop</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. I am assuming the girl was you, and where were you? Interesting memory.

    1. The girl was me. I was pulling Ivy from the side of my house.

  2. Nice slice Haden! We can never get Ivy to grow in our yard.


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