Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Experience in the Sky - SOL#8

Round and round I go. The wind blows against my face as I spin around. I look up at the fluffy white clouds and the blue sky. I stare down at all the people waiting below. The circular motion of the ride is comforting and familiar. I am high enough off the ground that I feel as though I am flying. The ride goes at a breathtaking speed. So fast at times that the people below are no more than a blur. I gasp as the ride accelerates even more. Soon it begins to slow. It is time for me to go back to the ground, where I belong.

I got this photo from:
photo credit: <a href="">Clouds</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. What a fun slice. I loved the way you used your words to create the excitement of actually being there with you on the ride. Thanks for bringing me on the ride with you!

  2. Sounds fun! Were you at Elitches?


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