Tuesday, March 1, 2016

SOL#1-The Unyielding Showers

The light is absent from the sky. The clouds have begun their everlasting tirade against the sun. The waves splash harder and harder, seemingly powered by the sudden lack of warmth. Then the raindrops come. Attacking those below with no mercy. They start out slow then increase pace with sudden ferocity. Water hits water until all is one. The water from the sky melds with the water of the earth. The trees stand astute as ever, looking on as the water comes down relentlessly. They wait for the end to come, praying the clouds will soon pass. Their wish is heard as it ends as suddenly as it started. The raindrops seem to fall upwards into the sky. Suddenly the sun peaks through. The trees sigh in relief. The rain has come and gone and all is as it once was before the storm.


  1. This SOL was so descriptive! I love how you mention the sun peaking through and the trees sighing in relief. Awesome job!

  2. I really loved your second sentence and the ending! Sounds like quite a storm!

  3. This was really poetic and cool!!! Good job!

  4. this is super descriptive and easy to picture-i really like it!


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