Friday, March 11, 2016

SOL#11- Snow Falls

Snow falls,
Covering the world in white.

The green of the grass,
The emerald of the trees,
The black of the asphalt,
Can not be seen under the white.

Each flake is different,
One in shape of a star,
The other like a flower.

The snow seems heavy at first,
It's true qualities are revealed with the slightest pressure.

The shape of a footprint is pressed into the snow,
Each curve and imprint drawn deep into the snow.

These footprints will not last forever,
But they seem final.

Soon it all stops.
The white still lays on the ground,
Still covering the world.

If you follow the footprints,
In the snow,
Where will you go?

Will they lead you around the world,
Through the mountains,
Or just where there is no snow.

Snow has fallen,
Covering the world in white.


  1. Ooh, nice job! I like this a lot; it's very descriptive and has a nice meter.

  2. You covered so many aspects of snow and I especially liked how you talked about footprints.


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