Wednesday, March 23, 2016

SOL#23- The View Through The Window

The window is made of solid clear glass. It is surrounded by soft green trim. The world beyond the window is covered in white. All the trees are covered in soft white powder. Few colors can be seen. It doesn't look real from inside the room. It is too perfect, too still to be real. That picturesque feeling is shattered when a clump of snow falls from the air. Suddenly all the movement becomes apparent. Branches swaying in the wind, snow falling. The wind speeds up and the branches are pushed along against their will. Suddenly a red brick chimney can be seen through the branches. It is bright compared to the white world. Hints of trees natural colors peak through in spaces where there is no white. One tree is a light gray, another a brown. These trees have no leaves on them. They are just branches. It is like looking at the skeleton of the tree. Parts of the trees blend in with the white sky. From the view through the window the white world looks like nothing more than a dream.

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