Wednesday, March 16, 2016

SOL#16- The Whale

The salty ocean breeze lifts my hair from my back. I hear the waves crash against the side of the boat.  The sun can be seen just peeking behind the horizon. Suddenly cries erupt from the other passengers in the boat. They are pointing to a dark blue form in the water. I soon realize the form is a whale. It splashes back and forth, creating even more waves in the water. The whale raises its tail and splashes it down again. The spectators cry out in awe. I stare at the horizon. The hills are a brilliant green, the sky a bright blue. There is not a single cloud. The whale comes next to the boat. I can now see just how big it is. The whale is mostly blue but has spots that are slightly discolored. The whale swims away and I turn my attention back to the horizon.

photo credit: <a href="">Raising her fluke</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>


  1. cool! i love whales, but i've only seen calves, so i don't really know just how big they are, but they sound giant!

  2. cool! i love whales, but i've only seen calves, so i don't really know just how big they are, but they sound giant!

  3. I've never seen a whale, but your slice makes me feel like I am there. You put me in the moment really well with the way you describe everything.

  4. I haven't seen a whale either but it sounds like an awesome experience and you did a great job describing it.

  5. Wow! This sounds like an amazing experience, I'm so jealous. You did a great job describing what was happening, nice job!


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