Thursday, March 10, 2016

SOL#10- The Life of a Flower

The soil is damp with rain. The sun falls, creating small patches of light. The seed has everything it needs to grow. Soon the sun goes down and the seed has still not sprouted. Many days and nights pass until a glimmer of green is visible.  The next day rain pours down on the plant. The plant seems to shrink away, at first, but soon realizes how the rain will help it grow. Suddenly the rain stops. The plant reaches one leaf into the sunlight that has arrived in the rains absence. The moon soon fills the sky. It alternates back and forth. Moon, Sun, Moon, Sun. The plant continues to grow taller, but still not as tall as the other plants in the garden. Soon a green bud appears. Wisps of color can be seen within the green skin. When the rain has stopped for the year, the bud begins to peel back. Inside is a small flower. The petals of the flower are a vibrant white. The center is a bright yellow. After many days, the plant has finally grown up.


  1. you are a really good writer, and your descriptions are amazing!

  2. you are a really good writer, and your descriptions are amazing!


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