Thursday, March 24, 2016

SOL#24- The Tearoom

The tearoom feels welcoming. Teapots and types of tea line the walls. The woman behind the counter smiles and leads us to our table. The table is made out of a reddish brown wood. The white teacups stand out against its dark surface. An old milk bottle has been turned into a vase. Yellow and white flowers lie in the vase. Next to the vase lies a white china  bowl with perfect white sugar cubes. A tiny silver pair of tongs lies in the bowl with the sugar. A picture of a bridge in London is on the wall next to our table. Soon the tea arrives. When you look inside the tiny white teapot you can see the fragrant leaves floating around in the water. The tea has a faint aroma of exotic spices. The tearoom shows none of the cold weather that lies outside. It truly is a welcoming place.


  1. I really liked the way that you described the tearoom. Great slice!

  2. That sounds like an interesting and peaceful experience. I too really Great job!


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