Thursday, March 3, 2016

SOL#3- The House and the Water

The waves are gentle, pushing the canoe forward. From the canoe, you can see a small island. The island is largely populated by tall astute evergreens. There is a small section that is bare of trees. A house stands in that bare section. By looking at the house you can see that it is an old house. It is a house that has undergone many trials and tests. Old fishing boats and sailboats line the shore, adding to the house's unusual image. The house appears to be separate from the tiny island. A separate part of a very small part of the world. The waves speed up, drawing attention away from the house. Suddenly the water is the main focus. One can watch as it makes swirling patterns around the obstacles it faces. Water is not phased by anything. It overcomes every obstacle it faces. It can overcome the unusualness of the house and the land mass it rests on. Soon the house passes out of view, but the water remains as unphased as ever.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the descriptive words that you used! Great slice!


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