Sunday, March 6, 2016

SOL#6- The Single Blade of Grass

Thr river rushes by. I hear it lapping against the bank. The air has a slight chill to it, driving home the fact that winter is near. The grass feels soft against my feet. The clearing is serene, empty of all sound except the river. The wind rushes by, making the tall grass sway. I hear the birds chirp as the river speeds up, pushing all sorts of debris downstream. It is so peaceful. The problems in our society do not reach this sacred space. When you look closely at the grass you can see that it is a world of its own. Different creatures crawl under their protective blades. To them, the grass must seem like the tallest trees in the world. To me, it is just a single blade of grass. But to the river and the clearing that surrounds it, that single blade of grass is the most important thing: life.


  1. I like how detailed it is and I can totally picture the place you are talking about. I like that it goes from a large perspective to a small perspective.

  2. Great slice! It's so detailed, and you are very good at painting a picture with words!

  3. Beautifully written, Haden! I wrote a slice similar to yours last year at some point. Just goes to show how incredible a single blade of grass can be.


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