Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Hummingbird Appreciation

                   The silence settles in. Soft footsteps patter to the center of the room. All of the camper stare. Their gaze boring into the wood of the dining hall. Outside the wind is kicking up a storm, and rough waves splash against the rocky shore. The feet reach their destination. A voice rough and seasoned with age breaks the silence. “ I would like to announce this years nomination for all around camper.” My heart beats in my chest, thudding against my ribcage. Everything slows down as I wait in vain. Then I think, maybe I won’t be nominated for the third year in a row. If I’m not nominated it means that someone better has come along. I say to myself that I will be happy regardless of if I am nominated. While these thoughts race through my head the woman opens and envelope. “ The nominations are.” She says. “Amaya Rothsfield.” I don’t listen after she says my name. I am happy my heart singing a song inside my chest. The woman asks all of the nominee’s to join her up on stage. I squeeze past my cabin mates and softly walk up to the stage. I look around at the rest of the campers as they give me the Red Pine Clap. I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I see everyone flashing me a smile. Time seems to slow down as I stand their, beaming. Finally I walk away from the stage. I sit down in my place and patiently show my cabin mates the award. Everyone says great job to me. I just sit there, happy that I am nominated. Even if I don’t win all around forester. I will be happy. Getting nominated is enough for me. As the waves calm down and the trees stop shaking, I look outside and smile at the hummingbirds.

I got this photo from:
photo credit: <a href="">The Armstrong's</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>


  1. I was a little confused at first but once I understood it was nice. I liked the way you described the emotions. Good job.

  2. I am really confused. Is your real name Amaya Rothsfeild and you are just telling us that your name is Haden????

  3. What a great memory captured, Haden! I like that you took the time to show the setting, too: "Outside the wind is kicking up a storm, and rough waves splash against the rocky shore..

  4. What were you nominated for? That was cool, how you mention hummingbirds right at the end. Nice SOL.


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