Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Dream of the Supreme

I wrote this slice of life about something that I hope will happen in the future. 

A monstrosity and a blessing sits on top of a marble plateau. Beckoning all who are near to gape. Their windows into the soul travel towards another object.  This one a reinforced, black, moving object. Out comes a being who appears to be far wiser than someone of her age should be. A being with wispy blond locks pulled high above. A being that appears to float as her hazel windows into the soul take in the sights. An invisible creature rushes by puffing as hard as it can. The creature spreads the faint odor of cherry blossoms around the marble plateau. A blossom lands on the being, on top of her piled locks. She has appeared to be floating before, but a flat platform with a heel upset her grace. Down the being goes. Then the being picks herself up and continues the long walk to the building. By the time she reaches the wooden door, the crowd has moved on to another sight. The being pushes a long spindly finger towards the door and pushes it. A loud clear voice rings out. “Welcome to the Supreme Court, Justice Anaya Rothsfield.”

I got this photo from:
photo credit: <a href="">timsackton</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

1 comment:

  1. That was fun. I liked how you did a slice of your future life.


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