Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Girl Sitting On The Red Brick Column

                 Two red brick column stand on the sides of a stone pathway. One brick column stands next to the fence the other column stands next to the house. On top of the column that stands near the fence is a girl. The girl sits with her legs crossed and holds a bright red notebook. She is furiously scribbling on one of the notebooks pages. The air is pleasantly warm, but the girl still wears a red fleece. Her yellow #2 pencil suddenly stops. The girls small forehead deepens as a frown creases it. She stares off into space and appears to be thinking. The girl then resumes to writing, her blond hair flying out behind her as a breeze drifts.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great piece! I like how you painted such a vivid picture!


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